My "Williamsburg Market Bag"

Why do I call it my “Williamsburg Market Bag” you wonder?

Well, during this year’s spring break we decided to venture down to Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, VA.  This is our third year spending our spring break at Busch Gardens. Each year I have great intentions of stopping into the local yarn shop, Knitting Sisters.  The first year I stopped by they had already closed.

(Here is one of my favorite pictures taken at the park. It was a really cool day, somewhat rainy, but the park is always so beautiful. It is nice to enjoy even if you are NOT a fan of roller coasters.)

This year I made it to Knitting Sisters.  Finally!!! Of course, like all other trips to the yarn store, I didn’t have any projects in mind.  I was an aimless shopper!  After deciding that I really didn’t NEED anything, I just couldn’t leave without purchasing SOMETHING.  So I picked up a ball of Katia Bombay. Below is a sample of the colorwork I chose.  Since all the neon colors are the “in thing” right now, I couldn’t resist a ball of neon yarn. 

Katia Bombay Yarn

When I got home, I looked online at Ravelry.  This is a great site for anyone who enjoys knitting and crochet.  There are so many patterns to choose from, some free and some for a small fee.  I was able to search the patterns by the type of yarn/fiber and approximate quantity for my project, and found a pattern for a Market Bag.  This is such a great project for the spring months with the Farmer’s Markets popping up all over town.  Not only will you look stylish, but you can feel great knowing your helping protect our environment at the same time.

Here is a picture of my finished bag.  I just love it, and can’t wait to try it out.  I am thinking it would also be a great bag for carrying my latest projects in.  I just might have to make a few more.  The project worked up quickly, I think this took about a week and a half.  Might be much sooner for those who have more time to spend on their projects 🙂


Don’t forget to leave a comment letting me know what you have been making recently!